Monday, 18 October 2010

“The Cloud is the answer, it’s also the question”

This is the hook line on a new set of adverts run by Recruiters are adopting the cloud quicker than other sectors, why and what does it really mean.

Gartner predicts that by 2012, a fifth of businesses will own no IT assets, instead will rely on cloud like managed services entirely. Businesses and IT departments will be able to acquire IT services with relative ease, the use of cloud based applications will mean that IT is “easy”.

It has taken a while for me to get into the Cloud and to realise that its NOT hard and it fits completely with my mantra that recruiters should not really get involved in IT and instead should leave it to the experts and outsource it just like they do with payroll, training and electricity!

A study by software company GFI found that 44 per cent of SME’s felt that the cloud services were too expensive. Recruitment companies are bucking the trend and moving to the cloud in droves, we have seen 7 new clients in the last 6 months and have a healthy order book.

Before you move, however you have to find out what it is you want to give to the cloud!
- Do you want to give flexibility to you entire workforce?
- Are you tired of PC and Servers costs?
- Do you need more office space and less staff that you cant manage?

If you do then go to into the Cloud, be willing to pay a little more than you would if you owned it outright but then get on with making money!

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