Friday, 12 March 2010

Are Corporate recruiters jumping the Shark!

What am I talking about? Well Wiki says Jumping the Shark is when TV programs that were once iconic reach a tipping point and start the grab around for poorer story lines and therefore lose why they were good! This has been widely accepted in the Internet world for applications or trends have lost their fashion.

Speaking at yesterdays Recruitment Consultant Technology conference I majored on how do recruitment agencies get placements back from In house recruitment teams. Currently in house teams have the Technology advantage over some recruitment consultancies because their tools are more adaptable to using the current applications on the web.

However are corporate recruiters getting close to the tipping point! As volumes increase for difficult skills in the City, the in house teams wont be able to cope/deliver and the line managers will start to consider recruitment consultancies again at better margins.

Bring on the water skis!

What we now need is an In house Recruiters strength index which I would start at 85 our of a 100.

Whats your views?