Wednesday, 16 September 2009

IT Challenges in the Recruitment Sector, Bond v11 and Bullhorn

I stumbled accross a very interesting new blog yesterday who seem to specialises in Adapt v11 and has lively discussions at a very detailed level on the good and less good of Adapt v11. Only disappointment is that the blog is unattributed, so either a clever customer or even an employee. If it you please say hi!

Topics covered so far major on the speed of searching and quick finds and get very detailed level. What we need to remember is that v11 is new and working OK on a large number of small ASP clients for Adapt and is now being installed locally at more.

My point here is every system has its issues and every techie would do it differently but in the whole the good survive and flurrish and the less good stuggle.

Interesting today to see Bullhorn at 67 in the US fastest growing companies. an update on my Bullhorn project will come tomorrow as we are now in the guts of it.

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